The Institution of our new Vicar

We look forward to Monday 19th December when the Institution and Induction Service for our new vicar, Philip, will take place in St Andrew’s Church, beginning at 7 pm. Light refreshments will be served afterwards in the Hall. For planning and catering purposes, we need to know final numbers attending by Friday 16th December. If…

Hope into Action

On Sunday 27th November, St Andrew’s had a Giving Day for Hope into Action, a Christian charity that was founded in 2010 by Ed Walker, who was our speaker at the 10 am morning service. You can hear his talk if you follow the link under ‘Recent Sermons’. The charity aims to house and support…

Jesse Nwokejiobi 

All at St Andrew’s Church are shocked and desperately saddened at the death of Jesse Nwokejiobi on Logan’s Meadow this past Saturday afternoon, November 19th, 2022. We send our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. He was remembered in our prayers on Sunday morning and will continue to be so during our online Morning Prayer, throughout…

Providing milk for Crossways

The wonderful response to the call so far means it is viable for us to proceed to support the request for milk supply for the Crossways project and delivery for 5 months from 1st November. The financial support has still been flowing in very generously but there is still time to respond if you haven’t already but intend to. Please contact Patricia Abrey…